Wireless Stick Lite V3 Lora not working - license problem?

I am struggling to get the lora module to work. I am using heltec.h library , my code compiles , but as soon as it gets to


it freezes with no error shown in serial. I read that I may need to sign a license,
however after I obtained it, typing AT+CDKEY=licenseNo (I removed ‘,’ and 0x) in serial monitor
does not seem to do anything.

Please help me getting through this.

The heltec.h library does not support the V3 modules. You need be using either the [Heltec] LoRaWan_APP.h library or one of the other libraries discussed in other forum posts to support the SX1262 LoRa Node IC in the V3 modules.

Thanks, could you also help me in guiding what should I do exactly to get the LoraWan_APP library? I found the files here: https://github.com/HelTecAutomation/CubeCell-Arduino/tree/master/libraries/LoRa/src
however when I add this it refers to another 5 libraries or so. I added them also and now I am missing ASR_Arduino.h which I cannot find.
This board is hell for me, I am total amateur on this and I would appreciate any help in getting this to work.

Try the link provided in the following post:

and let us know if you’re still having trouble.