Is wireless stick V3 compatible with V2 code?

Hello, I have code that I ran on Heltec Wireless stick lite V2 and now I’m thinking about making more nodes with Heltec devices. Will the code from V2 work on V3 or did the hardware change in a way that I must use other libraries, different functions or anything like that?

Thank you for you response in advance.

The simple answer is that new libraries may be required. You would need to verify that any libraries that your are using support the [new to V3] ESP32-S3 processor, and the SX1262 LoRa chip if relevant.

Having said that, the only library that I think I’ve had to change between V1 and V3 (I don’t know that there ever was a V2) Wireless Stick Lite is the LoRa library. The one I used to use, the Sandeep Mistry LoRa library, doesn’t support the new SX1262 LoRa chip. For the V3, I’ve had to migrate code to use the Heltec LoRaWan_APP library, and that was a true migration because the two libraries don’t use identical calls.

So the if I used Heltec LoRaWan_APP library (this) and some other generic libraries with the V2, it should work?

Not quite, you’ll need the 0.0.7 release of the Heltec ESP32 libraries:

The LoRaWan_APP library is included in that package.

When compiling your code, you then need to select the board:

WiFi LoRa 32(V3) / Wireless shell(V3) / Wireless stick lite (V3)

It might also be a good idea to search this forum for other threads that discuss getting things up and running on these new [V3] boards—try searching on “v3 sketch”, that seems to return a good sample of posts.