Unable to compile example - solution now found

I have a CubeCell HTCC-AB01 board which I am trying out under the Arduino IDE (1.8.13).
I’ve installed the board manager v1.2.0 and am trying to compile the LoraWanMininal/SendReceive example code (without modification).
My problem is that I get compile errors with the example code, EU868_LC4 to EU868_LC8 are not declared in scope.
Is there some additional configuration needed to pick up these regional parameters?

It seems this is a known fault (see http://community.heltec.cn/t/error-lorawanminimal-app/3490)

Its fixed by taking a new copy of the LoraWanMinimal library from https://github.com/HelTecAutomation/ASR650x-Arduino

Now compiles OK

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