Lora V3 and Wireless Stick Lite(V3) useful pins?

There we go again. One more pretender which have nothing to answer, but just blabing and pretend.
Let me reread where I did asked or care about your opnion ?! O YEAH ! NOWHERE !
So please stop spamming the posts of the peoples and leave these which can answer something to do so.
If anyone even was 1/1000000000000000000000000 of the professionals they claim they are - they would not waste time to spam with pretentious answers instead write a single line of numbers, which is the answer. Done. But no. Complexes must be crushed inside the forums.

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I actually come on this forum just to ask a similar question, and I got stunned how the things going on here. Good lords !

Professionals are people that invoice for their time - which I do. However I’d not take you on as a client with this sort of attitude.

You are not entitled to demand anything not already on offer - you should have checked you had what you needed before purchase. And if you are asking these sorts of questions, we run the risk opening Pandora’s box of entry level questions.

At this point I start to believe that with this ad hominem here is hiding some real big issue with the board or the chip. I cant believe as well how the things going as well.

Perhaps you should ask the question in light of the information above. Maybe you can elicit an appropriate response from people who are not obliged to answer as they are just like you, users of the product that happen to give up their time to help those that help themselves.

I hoped for something more professional here to be honest. I didn’t expected to see some guys doing forums like it’s 20 years ago. This is ridiculous !

You were the one with the kiddo attack.

If it sets your mind at rest, the Heltec LoRa V3 board has been used as a reference board for the new Semtech One Channel Hub code base - Semtech being the creators of LoRa. At The Things Conference last week one of these boards was being used for a LoRaWAN TS011 relay with a display using the LiPo.

We stopped doing other peoples homework years back. Particularly when they open with disparaging comments.

A simple “can anyone tell me what pins I can use for output” would have sufficed, better if it had included some reference to the schematic & pin map image to show some actual effort.

More from the same. No. Even more of the same.
None answers. Just putting some random stuff, like kindeplay “who father is stronger”.
This is going nowhere. A plain absurd !
Are you like the biggest time waster ever born or something ?!

We stopped doing other peoples homework years back.

At this point I wonder why You are actually keep writing in here ?!
We can get the diagrams ourselves. They are just below the product on it’s very same page.
Do You believe that we are not capable of it?
I really register to get some simple answers since I am stuck and I am not a professional in electronics or something. Not even hobbits in the field.

As You can see the best You will get here is 2-3 peoples without work stating that they are the biggest minds ever born, and keep wasting your time with it.
Actually if You were professional it would be even bigger time wasting.
As I said - this is plain absurd. I am done with this !
Maybe the controller is nothing more but a piece of junk well hoiden behind such absurdish “forum”.

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Your second & third post were marginal, but your fourth opening with “So I got 2 kido pretenders” was when it went wrong - if you did this in-person in a store, would you expect people to help?

You won ! Go back to the kindergarten now.
The other kids waiting for you to show-off.

You haven’t asked a question yet - you were invited to start your own topic bearing in mind the above. If someone says they have the schematic & pin map but need guidance on how to chose which pins, that’s fine. But insulting the docs from the beginning and then railing against the answers given just doesn’t work these days.

As it happens, I’m collating examples of how to access technical resources in the community forums - this stuff is gold

Given the similarities in typing and spelling (e.g. You being capitalized), it looks like @yordan1 and @georgious-pagonis would be the same person - implying a level of maturity that is rarely seen here.

As pointed out by @nmcc, there’s plenty of experience in this topic of people that are happy to answer a question, but they expect a reasonable effort in return for free advice. Mind you, we’re volunteers here, @ashley is the only one being paid, but apparently not enough to cater your needs at the blink of your eye.

A forum is not a Q&A - that would be support. A forum is a place where we talk and learn you how to fish, instead of providing a single fish.

My offer still stands: try your best and we’ll say if you’ve got it right or point out a mistake.

Hello, everyone!
Dear yordan1, I am sorry. Yesterday, I may not have fully understood your problem, so I thought that just looking at the pin diagram could solve it directly. If you need 9 pins that can be directly referenced, I suggest these 9 pins GPIO(19, 20, 21, 26, 33, 34, 45, 47, 48). These 9 pins are the ones I have just experimented with and can continue to output. The purple part in the document pin diagram is the internally defined pins. If the connection is defined, it may cause the internally defined functions to be unusable. I hope these can be helpful to you.

Dear nmcc and bns, I often see you providing valuable opinions on many professional issues. Thank you for your continuous support and understanding. I believe that everyone browsing forums hopes to find useful advice for themselves.
Wishing everyone a happy life!

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ah. lovely! This is what I expected to see as an answer initially. Thank You tons!
It is quite a bit the time when i had time to experiment behind my back.
The moderator - please remove the other spam above, and leave my question + ashley answer, as they are practically guiding light for the peoples which start with this controller.

These aren’t YOUR posts - you put out a request for information in a public place, you weren’t happy with the response, you made that clear, we made it clear we weren’t impressed with your response, you got your answer and now have made some effort to return back to dish out more “feedback”.

Look around at the various forums and you may get a sense of how different your approach is to everyone else. Being different is OK when it’s creative, but by being potty mouthed and rude to fellow forumites, you may find that when you really really do need some assistance that goes beyond reading the data sheets for you, that no one feels like helping you out.

I hesitate to ask, but what is it with your approach - what rationale is there for behaving in such a self-defeating manner?

Ironically, pertinent to your original information request there is this: