Deep sleep by timer: max time?


I have a code, based on LoRaWAN_BMP280.ino to read a PT1000 sensor and send data to LORA/TTN.

Now, between 2 acquisitions and LORA transmission, I would like to put Cubecell into deep sleep (3.5µA deep sleep). According to what I read on the forum (Low power code example), the example LoRaWAN_BMP280 my code is based on already do that. I just have to change the parameter uint32_t appTxDutyCycle = 15000. Right ?

But what is the maximum duty cycle that can be reach ? I suppose this use an internal counter, but what is the maximum count reachable ?

I would like to put the board into deep sleep at least 1h between 2 transmissions.



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The timer is 32 bits, and the maximum counting theory can reach 2^32 milliseconds.

Ok, thank. Perfect for my needs.
