FYI I just had an annoying problem where a device wouldn’t receive the join-accept on TTNv3 (but was fine on TTNv2). This was for AU915, and it was regional parameters related, so it may not apply to AS923/EU868 etc
The problem ended up being that the handy-dandy device profiles on TTNv3 specify the wrong regional parameters version. When they’re used they use “LoRaWAN Regional Parameters v1.0.2rA”/“PHY V1.0.2 REV A” for the device.
This works fine for ABP on AU915, but I think there are timing differences (or something) and it will not receive the join-accept for OTAA. Changing the device to LoRaWAN Regional Parameters v1.0.2rB aka “REV B” makes it work. Just like that.
(I’ve flagged this to Hunter on the TTN forums)