CubeCell TTNv3 join issues - solved

FYI I just had an annoying problem where a device wouldn’t receive the join-accept on TTNv3 (but was fine on TTNv2). This was for AU915, and it was regional parameters related, so it may not apply to AS923/EU868 etc

The problem ended up being that the handy-dandy device profiles on TTNv3 specify the wrong regional parameters version. When they’re used they use “LoRaWAN Regional Parameters v1.0.2rA”/“PHY V1.0.2 REV A” for the device.

This works fine for ABP on AU915, but I think there are timing differences (or something) and it will not receive the join-accept for OTAA. Changing the device to LoRaWAN Regional Parameters v1.0.2rB aka “REV B” makes it work. Just like that.

(I’ve flagged this to Hunter on the TTN forums)

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Hello, bwooce. Thank you for sharing this.
I am using EU868 and have never been able to connect to TTN V2 or V3. I am using a gateway found in my area so it is not easy to troubleshoot.

Would you please mention the name of the file where I could change the regional parameter? I know that you mentioned that the issue might be region-related. But I would like to try and put it back if no improvement… Time that Heltec Support clarifies this issue.


Heltec have replied over on the TTN forum, they’re on national holiday right now. It’ll get fixed.

This setting is in the TTN v3 console, under the device/General Settings. It’s all the way down the bottom, and only if you expand the Network Layer settings section.

The important bit is the REV B regional parameters. Simple to test, hopefully it helps you.

@IOPROD If you can’t connect on TTNv2 or TTNv3 then it’s probably not this setting causing it, but it can’t hurt to have it be correct. I agree it can be frustrating to get this working the first time…my suggestion would be to ensure ABP works e.g. you can see uplinks work before moving to OTAA. At least then you’ve proven 50%+ of what needs to work.

@bwooce Thanks for the advice, I will start by the ABP mode tonight and let you know.

Otherwise, I will buy a Dragino LG01 gateway for my testing… Single-channel gateways are not recommended for LORAWAN but this is the only available one in my local store.