The new TTN v3 is a bit more cumbersome to configure, what settings for heltec devices?


with the new TTN v3 the heltec devices must be created manually with many settings. :frowning:

Can heltec talk to TTN that the heltec devices are also directly integrated like many other devices from other manufacturers?

For now it would be good if heltec would look over ttn v3 and create a list of what to specify when creating a device manually.

My current problem is that my device (htcc-ab01) does not get a join.


Thanks for your suggestion, we will try the TTN v3 after the Chinese New Year holiday and find a solution.

Heltec devices work fine on V3, you need check TTN forum.

I use at the moment a heltec-cube-cell-htcc-ab01 at v2 and the join working well, but the same device with new keys at v3 get no success join.
And i don’t find a issue and/or solution.

why are you not seeking support on TTN forum? seems crazy asking here

I don’t know if you solved it @oliverr but I had a similar issue and resolved it by changing the regional parameters to REV B as per this post.