I needed to estimate the battery life for a project so created this sheet. It seems to give results that are reflected in the real world tests in respect to the power consumption.
Feel free to give it a try and let me know if you spot any errors of if i have missed anything.
You enter in the Battery Capacity in my case I am using a set of cells that are rated at 4800mAh
Sleep Current is how much power the CubeCell pulls while its in sleep mode. I shut the power off to my sensors using VEXT so I just have the CubeCell in sleep mode.
In my case I read the sensors 380 time per hour, and the sensors and CubeCell when not in transmit mode seem to pull 14.3ma.
And I transmit the data twice per hour unless there is an alert that needs to be dealt with. transmissions seem to be on average about 105ma.
What I have not taken in to account is the self discharge rate of the battery. I can not say at this stage how accurate the estimation it so do not rely on the figures.