WSL V3 OTA Update does not work


I have trioed to use the OTA update in Arduino 2.2.1 with WSL V3 stick - no success.

Have tried the provided BasicOTA - and get the error “No response from the ESP”

Then have changed to standard board ESP32S3 - here all is working as expected.

Where can be the problem? Something in board definition?


Answer myself - maybe a help for others…

I have modified the platform.txt file for the Heltec-esp32

## Upload Sketch Through OTA (Arduino IDE 2.x)
## -------------------------------------------
## So we do basic default OTA on port 3232 and no auth
tools.esp_ota.upload.pattern={cmd} -i "{upload.port.address}" -p 3232 -f "{build.path}/{build.project_name}.bin"

Have added the "-p 3232" parameter, looks like it will not be taken by Arduino 2.x.x as default…