I have two wireless sticks V3 setup as a master unit on a Raspberry Pi4 and two remote units that each has a JSN-SR04 ultrasonic sensor as well as a 18B20 temperature sensor connected. I have been successful in sending the sensor readings from the remote unit to the master unit but I need to apply the reverse of this logic for my solution.
My idea is to have the master unit wake each of the remote units one at a time using their unique chip ID’s as the identifier for the location at which they are located. This is not a problem to obtain so there I have no issues. Where I do however hit a road block is to successfully wake the remote unit. The serial monitor shows that it has successfully sent the signal but the remote unit is not waking from sleep and tanking the required measurements to send back to my master unit.
Is there a specific library I need to include or specific “wake from sleep” code required for these devices to work in this manner? I have tried the different examples from the Heltec_ESP32_LoRa_v3 library but have been unsuccessful thus far.
Any help or direction is much appreciated.