Wireless Stick Lite V3 w/ RadioLib

Has anyone gotten RadioLib.h to work with the Wireless Stick Lite V3? If so can you post your setup code?

Here’s what I have, so far it somewhat works but not very well.

#include <RadioLib.h>

// Define the LoRa module using the SX1262 module on the specified pins

SX1262 lora = new Module(8, 14, 12, 13);

void setup() {


while (!Serial);

// Initialize the LoRa module

Serial.println(F(“Initializing …”));

int state = lora.begin();

if (state == RADIOLIB_ERR_NONE) {


} else {

Serial.print(F("failed, code "));


while (true);


// Set up LoRa receiver with the configuration matching your working sketch

lora.setFrequency(915.0); // Set frequency to 915 MHz

lora.setBandwidth(125.0); // Set bandwidth to 125 kHz

lora.setSpreadingFactor(7); // Set spreading factor to 7

lora.setCodingRate(1); // Set coding rate to 1

lora.setPreambleLength(8); // Set preamble length to 8

// Note: Some parameters like symbol timeout, fixed payload length, and IQ inversion might not be directly configurable in the same way with RadioLib

// Start listening for LoRa messages


Serial.println(F(“Listening for LoRa messages…”));



yes, it is working fine for me with the LoRaWan sample code from GitHub.

Maybe I’m looking at the wrong example but that seems to be based on the LoRaWan_APP.h library. I’m trying to use the RadioLib.h library and manually define the Lora settings and pins.

Yes,… you must install the radiolib library in Arduino / VSCode
If installed you will find the RadioLib example codes in the folder.
You can see it also here https://github.com/jgromes/RadioLib/tree/master/examples/SX126x

Here’s what worked in the event someone else needs the information:

// SX1262 has the following connections:

// NSS pin: 8

// DIO1 pin: 14

// NRST pin: 12

// BUSY pin: 13

SX1262 radio = new Module(8, 14, 12, 13);






"Hello, how are you? I’m doing the same thing as you with the Heltec Wireless Stick Lite V3 board, but I made the same setup as you and it doesn’t work.Could you guide me on what settings you used in your tests besides these, and which example you used to verify the equipment’s operation?