Wireless Stick Lite V3 and External I2C OLED

Has anyone used the wireless stick lite v3 with an external I2C OLED? For the life of me I cannot get anything to work. To start with, do we have access to the SCL and SDA pins??

I’m not sure if I’ve ever tried an I2C OLED on a Wireless Stick Lite, but I’ve used the I2C bus for other things. I always use an I2C scanner to verify that I’ve got the bus set up correctly. There are examples of I2C usage, with the V3 boards, provided within the Arduino IDE (if that’s what you are using).

You can use any two available pins for the bus (I currently use GPIO19 & GPIO20)—they are then specified when you initialise the bus.

In one example of my own that I just checked, I also defined a second I2C bus for my sensors. I’m not exactly sure why I did this, but it’s probably to do with compatibility with other modules that I’ve been using that already use the first I2C bus for something like an integrated OLED display.

I don’t recommend using either 19 or 20 with V3 boards, since those are the pins that are connected to the USB lines. You should be good with e.g.47 & 48 or 4 - 7.

Alright, I got this figured out, this seems to work well with the U8G2 library now.

//OLED Pins
#define OLED_SDA 4 // GPIO4
#define OLED_SCL 15 // GPIO15
#define OLED_RST 16 // GPIO16


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