Wireless Stick Lite Low Power Mode


Sorry for the delay, following the link with the video. On this video you can see two different boards with the same code (the one that I sent to you) working with different power consumption.

This link goes to my one drive folder where I have storage the video of the test.


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What is the outcome of this issue ?

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Hello, do you have solved the problem?

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Hello, I still have a boards that dont achieve the 30 uA as aspected. I have designed a pcb with one TPL from TexasInstrument in order to cut the power suply. I’m not sure if they have made any modifications.

hi, did you figure out the problem? i’m getting ready to buy 50-100 of the wireless stick lites. but they must be able to go into low-power state, otherwise i’ll have to get an ESP32 board and a separate LoRa board. i’d rather not. thanks.

The problem has been solved, you can buy with confidence.

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thank you. is there a way to lower the power to below 30ua? such as remove the LED and any LDO on the board? we need to save as much as possible. we’d have used your STM32 “151” device but it isn’t FCC-certified. best regards.

Recommend you to use this product, it has passed FCC certification, and low power consumption as low as 3.5uA. https://heltec.org/project/htcc-ab01/

Unfortunately, I need touch sensing, so I can’t.