Wireless Stick Lite LoRaWAN with MicroPython

I’m new in this community, just discovering this very interesting board with ESP32 with integrated LoRa connection, and wanted to know if it is possible to use it with MicroPython rather than with Arduino. If yes, is there any document to follow the details about installing the firmware and using the MicroPython libraries with this board

Our esp32 development board can be developed using micropython. But we currently have no plans to do this adaptation work.

Do you mean that even when you have not officially done that adaptation, if I flash it with micropython I should be able to use all the features of the board? If yes, I will try it (knowing that there is not official support from Heltec for such configuration)

“all the features of the board?”

I can’t fully guarantee this. I just used adc, lorawan, iic, spi and other functions(by micropython). More features need to be tried by yourself.

Ok, thank you! Which library did you use in MicroPython for LoraWAN?

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hi nestor, did you manage to use micropython on the wireless stick lite? How was that ?
Best, Regards !

Hi @zupayruna2021. Yes, I flashed the wireless stick lite with Micropython using Thonny Editor and it worked fine. But I couldn’t find an appropriate LoRaWAN with OTA library in MicroPython. If you know about any and can send the link to it, it would be great!

Hi @jasonXu. I’d really appreciate if you can give me some reference regarding the micropython library you used to test LoraWAN with this board.

Hi, friend !!!

Could you do something with micropython? I just bought a pair of wireless stick and I also plan to use micropython.

In fact I do it with Thonny or with VScode.


Yes, I just flashed it with micropython firmware using Thonny and it worked well. If you have any good micropython library for LoRaWAN please let me know.

For anyone else that ends up here, I manage to plug a few repos together and get the heltec lora 32 v2 working with micropython, including the oled and lora. Repo is here:

I haven’t tested lorawan yet, but there is a lorawan version of the driver (uPyLoRaWAN) I used:

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