Wire.h causing so many issues with I2C devices

So I have been having issues with I2C with so many device processors for the last year . I can scan for devices ok. But the sensor data is Nan or corrupt data.Adafruit has a list of problematic devices.Somthing to do with clock stretching. Searched internet and no solution. BME280 are an example of a problem device. Also there are a lot of fake BME280’s on AliExpress and eBay. So this just complicated things further. I think the solution is slowing down the Wire clock speed. Has anyone had this issue and solved it?

When starting, you have to wait a while until all the data from a pressure sensor is correct. Usually only individual values ​​in a packet are wrong. The value is so extremely wrong that you can clearly check it and then discard this packet and wait for the next one. ! Greatings Nils 17274174427707370722737632141225|375x500

I solder the BME280 directly to the board with pin headers,as the vext,gnd,sck,data line up. Yes best not to send data that is incorrect rather than deal with it at the receiver.

What is your pinout? Pictures?

Noooooooo, don’t ask for pictures - there is already an uncropped, at a an angle 2.8GB JPEG linked in the post above.

Yeah, OK, only 2.8MB but still, so large but so meh.

I’d put money on a dry joint on the left & 2nd from left connections to the BME.