WiFi Lora V3 setting up esp-idf

Hello everyone,
so I am having issues setting up the esp-idf extension in Vscode. The board works well in Arduino, blink works well, tested a couple examples, all is good there. My issue arrives when I try to setup Vscode with the esp-idf extension (link to the tutorial i am following: https://github.com/espressif/vscode-esp-idf-extension/blob/master/docs/tutorial/install.md ).
I can compile the blink exemple, I am using the UART setting so I can flash my ESP, I am using the Build, Flash and Monitor option. I can flash the ESP (WOOP WOOP, victory!), but I do have an issue. The default BLINK_GPIO pin is 48. It does not change state. I have changed the code for GPIO pin 25 (the built in LED for the WiFi Lora V3) and the ESP stops running… I tried changing to GPIO 26, 36, 46, 45, 42, 41, 40, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and so on. None of them work. The serial communication works, I am receiving serial data in my monitor.

Have any of you tried esp-idf? If so, what did you do to change the state of the GPIO pins? Is this a lost cause and for now the WiFi Lora V3 is only compatible with Arduino IDE?

The built-in LED on the WiFi LoRa V3 module is on GPIO35.

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You’re my hero! Two things:
1st. Is there a diagram somewhere online with the pin? Every time i check on Heltec’s documentation page I get an error. I can’t find or see any documentation anymore.
2nd. My problem seemed to be the code. It is setup to make the LED/pin change state every 1sec. BUT the pins/LED turn on for just a few milliseconds (I do not have a oscilloscope on me at the moment so no idea how long it is turned on). I’ll see if I can play with the code a bit and make it work accordingly.

ALRIGHT EVERYONE, fixed it. Dumbo (aka me from the past), was probably testing different settings in the SDK Configuration editor. Turns out Blink LED type needs to be at GPIO (duh) and not RMT.