WiFi LoRa 32 V3 with EBYTE E32 900T30D?

Hello everyone, I’m working on a rocket flight computer and the Heltec WiFi Lora 32 (V3) is my main board due to it’s small form factor and integrated features. Main goal is to send GPS telemetry data to a ground station with an EBYTE E32 900T30D. It didnt come to my attention that the EBYTE module uses the SX1276 chip instead of the SX1262. However, from what i’ve read online, they are backwards compatible. Does anyone have sucess or knows how to communicate both modules? I used the RF Setting windows app to set the EBYTE’s parameters:

Parity: 8N1
AirRate: 4.8Kbps
Power: 21dBm
FEC: Disable
Fixed mode: Disable
WOR timing: 250ms
IO mode: PushPull
Address: 0
Channel: 55 (which corresponds to a freq. of 917MHz in this case)

and them tried to replicate them in the following sketch ( https://github.com/ropg/heltec_esp32_lora_v3/blob/main/examples/LoRa_rx_tx/LoRa_rx_tx.ino )

// Pause between transmited packets in seconds.

// Set to zero to only transmit a packet when pressing the user button

// Will not exceed 1% duty cycle, even if you set a lower value.

#define PAUSE 300

// Frequency in MHz. Keep the decimal point to designate float.

// Check your own rules and regulations to see what is legal where you are.

#define FREQUENCY 917.0 // for Europe

// #define FREQUENCY 905.2 // for US

// LoRa bandwidth. Keep the decimal point to designate float.

// Allowed values are 7.8, 10.4, 15.6, 20.8, 31.25, 41.7, 62.5, 125.0, 250.0 and 500.0 kHz.

#define BANDWIDTH 125.0

// Number from 5 to 12. Higher means slower but higher “processor gain”,

// meaning (in nutshell) longer range and more robust against interference.


// Transmit power in dBm. 0 dBm = 1 mW, enough for tabletop-testing. This value can be

// set anywhere between -9 dBm (0.125 mW) to 22 dBm (158 mW). Note that the maximum ERP

// (which is what your antenna maximally radiates) on the EU ISM band is 25 mW, and that

// transmissting without an antenna can damage your hardware.


When connecting to the EBYTE Module with hercules setup terminal, I can’t seem to receive nor send any data. I’m a newbie regarding LoRa and RF so any help would be greatly appreciated, I really need to make both modules work together, thanks!