Someone could help me I’m a little confused, I’m needing the SDA and SCL outputs to connect a temperature sensor MX30100 on the WIFI LORA 32 V3 board and to be able to read the data emitted by the sensor, I have observed that the WIFI LORA 32 V3 board uses the ESP32-S3 chip which does have these pins, but in the diagram of output pins I only find the pins OLED_SDA= pin17 and OLED_SCL= pin 18. I don’t really know if these pins serve as output but I found them at the bottom of the board.

Necesito saber si es posible tener estos pines de salida para poder conectar el sensor que utiliza los pines SDA y SCL. En caso de ser posible como seria el metodo

I had success with bme280 connected to GPIO 41/42 over I2c with this code:

#define BME_SDA 42
#define BME_SCL 41

bool wireStatus = Wire1.begin(BME_SDA, BME_SCL);
status = bme.begin(0x76, &Wire1);

I was finding out more about that code that you shared with me to declare it with my sensor, but that code works only with the bme280 sensor, even there was a forum in which I mention step by step how to declare those variables for those who like that information can be found at this link:

Maybe some other possible solution on how to declare SCL and SDA pins in some physical output of the WIFI LORA 32 v3 module, which I am in the void at the moment.