WiFi LoRa 32 (V3) OLED + LoRaWAN can't upload

Hello, I bought two WiFi LoRa 32 (V3) and tried to do a simple LoRa test.

Receive ,Sender
I tried to output the received sensor values ​​to oled by configuring each, but it didn’t work.

Upload to the library below was not successful.

  1. OLED_LoRa_Receiver (can’t upload)
  2. OLED_LoRa_Sender (can’t upload)

So I tried a new way
example code

  1. Heltec-Example > LoraBasic > LoraReceive
  2. Heltec-Example > OLED

Therefore, using the two example codes to send and receive sensor values, the OLED output code was written separately and uploaded successfully. However, when I try to synthesize the two codes, it seems that the libraries cannot be used together.
(HT_SSD1306Wire.h + LoRaWan_APP.h)

  1. Is there any other way to synthesize the above 2 codes?
    (example code)
    Heltec-Example > LoraBasic > LoraReceive
    Heltec-Example > OLED

Or is there an example code like OLED_LoRa_Receive in V3 version?

The short answer is “Yes”, but the longer answer may be a little more complicated. I can’t say that I’ve loaded the examples, but I have loaded my own application that involves LoRa send and receive, the latter in conjunction with the on-board OLED display. For the latter, I use the SSD1306 library (simply included as <SSD1306.h>) which I believe is the version included in the Heltec_ESP32_Dev-Boards library ‘package’.

But what do you mean when you say “Upload to the library was not successful”? Do you mean that the code wouldn’t compile, or that the code wouldn’t upload to the WiFi LoRa 32 (V3) board? In either case, it might help to know what development platform you are working with, the software version(s), what (sketch details) exactly you are trying to upload and what error messages might have been generated.

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