WiFi LoRa 32 v3 not charging

It works fine, even on battery. I understand charging should work independently of my code.
I just can’t measure any current into the battery when plugged into USB. The orange LED becomes bright when the battery is connected.

What exactly do you want to measure, and what did you try? If possible, share the code you used.

It should not be related to my code.
I am using my multimeter and try to measure current flow into the battery.

So what is your setup, how did you connect the wires?

It’s just two wires, you can’t do much wrong, can you?

I just checked with another heltec module, this one charges the battery, so I have a bad board.

I could fix the other board.
R9 was ‘tombstoned’.

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LOL, please talk to my students :wink: I’ve seen folks trying to measure the voltage in series or the current in parallel (and I’ve probably done so myself a dozen times by now). Always worth checking the setup!

But anyway, glad you got it figured out & fixed!

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Lol, yes.

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