WIFI LORA 32 v2 OLED Removal

I have a WIFI Lora V2 that the OLED display is bad. Every other line is dead. My question is whether or not I can desolder the display from the board and use a separate OLED display on the default pins?

Yes, you can do that. But if you want to use the default pin, it must support IIC.

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Quency - Thanks for the reply. I did try it and it worked. I was able to get an external LCD and an external OLED to work. I think the hardest part was getting the contact cleaned up on the board after removing the OLED.

If you don’t try it, you never know how easy it is … I can do it in 5 seconds, haha :grin::grin:

I’ve just lost every other line on mine too, did you figure out why?

If you are using GPIO that is also used for the display, it will do that. Check and disable your GPIO’s one at a time and see which one is doing it or just check documentation from Heltec.