Wifi Kit ESP3S3 OLED SCL and SDA?


I just bought the wifi kit v3 with OLED Display and I´m trying to configure the OLED display but in the pin Map I only see the RST OLED but not the SCL and the SDA.

Could you say me what pin are?


Perhaps check this thread:

and also the thread referred to therein.

The quick answer is that the OLED I2C pins, 17 (SDA_OLED) & 18 (SCL_OLED), are not broken out.

Thank you!

It´s possible to use SPI instead of I2C?

Well, the two are quite different… But I am aware, for example, of BME sensor modules that can be configured to use either and SPI or I2C interface, and the Heltec boards do support SPI, although I don’t think I’ve ever used the SPI interface on any of the Heltec boards for anything other than the onboard LoRa interface.

There are discussions on the subject of the SPI interface in other threads on this forum.