The card is intended to monitor a 230v AC line.
It has a lithium battery connected to the board.
furthermore it is powered by a 230v -> 5v dc power supply.
When there is power, the board measures the output voltage from the power supply and sends a Line On notification.
When there is no power, the board stays on THANKS TO THE BATTERY and sends a Line OFF notification.
It just does this very simple.
The circuit works perfectly.
The problem is if there is no voltage on the main line, the card is powered by battery until it turns off.
Today my world collapsed on me, because I discovered that as long as there is energy in the battery it works perfectly, but when the battery runs out, the card turns off AND NEVER TURN ON AGAIN!!! I DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHY’!!!
If I turn on the AC power, the battery charge light comes on, but it won’t restart.
How can I overcome this very serious problem?