Wifi kit 32 v3 Fundamentals

I’m new to ESP32 and the multitude of variant boards. I’ve purchased an ESP32-DevkitM-1 from Digikey and I’m able to work with it in both the Arduino and Espressif IDE’s. I was recommended the Heltec boards but I’m having no success.

  1. In the Arduino environment, I cannot upload binaries. I get the following message in the console;
    A fatal error occurred: Invalid head of packet (0x47)
    Failed uploading: uploading error: exit status 2

I hope I don’t have to install a capacitor…what is the sequence of buttons I need to hold/release, is there any documentation on this?
2) In the Espressif environment, I don’t know what chip to specify, S2, S3, C2, etc…

  1. In the event that I brick a board, is there a factory image I can upload?

Thank you in advance.

Answers below:

  1. When I updated the Board manager file from a v2 to a v3, all the issues were resolved.
  2. The board is based on an ESP32S3

I still need an answer as to the default image file for the board,
