I bought recently on www.passion-radio.fr this board labelled “Wifi Kit 32 V2” (hence without LoRa)
It works perfectly as the Wifi Kit 32 board but is not exactly the same : for instance, beside the TX pin,! a Vext pin in place of GND pin.
They certify that there is an authentic HELTEC board.
If yes, have you a diagram pin out and a schematic pdf file for this board ?
Wifi Kit 32 V2 version?
Thank you very much for these precisions.
Hence, looking at the schematic, I observe that a resistance bridge (220+100K) has been added to the VBAT input. But is the pin 21 need to be put at a HIGH or LOW level to enable the bridge ? Then, cannot use it for I2C transfer in this situation ? And what means “Power Detection” on pin 13 : can it be used to measure the VBAT tension, using the ADC2-4 ? And finally, what is the role of the Vext pin ?
Sorry for all these questions !