I have a new stock, not yet programmed, Wifi Kit 32. Initially I had hooked it up to a USB 5V power adapter and it seems to work fine with the default firmware (says Scan start and lists wifi networks) and does that in a loop, which I think is how it is supposed to behave. I then tried hooking it up to the USB port on my Linux PC. It starts up and sometimes gets through 1 or 2 cycles of scanning for networks and displaying them, but fairly quickly it looks like it reboots back to the Heltec logo and the white LED flashes, it will usually reboot a few times back to this logo and then goes black for a period, then starts up again after a bit.
Researching this it sounded like perhaps the USB port was not supplying enough power. So I went out and bought a DC powered USB hub. If I hook it up to the hub, without it being connected to the PC, it works fine. If I then connect the hub to the PC, it will go back to endlessly rebooting. It seems like it has something to do with the USB serial port driver? I see there is some DTR and RTS reset circuitry and I wonder if that is getting triggered. I checked the 5V with a scope and I did not see it go below 5V, when setting a falling edge trigger.
Any tips on how I can troubleshoot this would be appreciated. I turned off hardware flow control on the PC just in case that is causing problems.