I’m trying to create an application for the heltec Wifi kit 32 using the esp-idf framework.
I want to use the integrated display to show some information during run time but I haven’t been able to make it display something.
I’m using the u8g2 library and the HAL from nkolban.
I executed the i2c scanner sketch example to discover the address of the display and i found out it is 0x3C.
I saw the display list in this forum and I assumed in this board there is a ssd1306 i2c 128*64 display.
I tried to turn on the integrated LED at the and of the execution of my program but it won’t light up
So I tried to move the instruction to turn on the LED towards the start of my program and I discovered that my program stops at the u8g2_InitDisplay(&u8g2) instruction.
My project is available on github https://github.com/ilofX/CarLed.git
Is there anyone who encountered the same problem?