Wifi 32 kit ADC wild readings

I have been working with a WiFi kit 32 and having an odd issue with ADC-1. I read a voltage on one ADC pin and that reading is perfectly accurate. I then do some math on that value and output a value to an MCP4725 I2C 12-bit DAC card. The output of that DAC goes out to another device (a voltmeter for now) and back to another ADC-1 pin on the WIFI KIT 32. The problem is that while the DAC output reads exactly correctly on the voltmeter, the ADC shows a way different value. There s mom linearity to it. Goes up and down correctly but the value reason the ADC is simply way off but not by any linear ratio or offset.

Any ideas?

ESP32 ADC has a non-linearity problem


Thanks for sending me this. My problem is not simply non-linear it, the readings are way off when I read back the DAC card output. The other input is just fine.
