Where can I find HTTC - AB02 board outline?

I’ll use HTTC - AB02 dev board.
I found Pinout diagram V1 and Schematic diagram V1.
but I couldn’t find PCB outline or PCB datasheet.
I need outline for our board connection.
Thank you.


HTCC-AB02’ PCB is not yet public.

I found this file.
but I want know blue know length.
Can you help me?





Sorry to worry you, but we are interested too to make a PCB we could plug on directly using the pins, did you resolve it ? Perhaps could you help providing your PCB dimensions or plans to be able to make one with easyPCB or other one?

Hope my email makes sense :slight_smile:


Instead of the edge of the hole to other edge, do you have the dimensions as center to center. I am using EasyEDA and I am concerned about variations in the pad size. Measuring from the center of the pad/hole to the opposite would ensure that my daughter board would fit exactly.



The distance of that red line is 800mil.

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