I’ll use HTTC - AB02 dev board.
I found Pinout diagram V1 and Schematic diagram V1.
but I couldn’t find PCB outline or PCB datasheet.
I need outline for our board connection.
Thank you.
Where can I find HTTC - AB02 board outline?
HTCC-AB02’ PCB is not yet public.
Sorry to worry you, but we are interested too to make a PCB we could plug on directly using the pins, did you resolve it ? Perhaps could you help providing your PCB dimensions or plans to be able to make one with easyPCB or other one?
Hope my email makes sense
Instead of the edge of the hole to other edge, do you have the dimensions as center to center. I am using EasyEDA and I am concerned about variations in the pad size. Measuring from the center of the pad/hole to the opposite would ensure that my daughter board would fit exactly.
The distance of that red line is 800mil.
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