What may the reason be

Hello guys! Im new to Heltec hotspots and thought they would be way more productive, because they are said to have one of the best and most stable construction out there. The problem is that a few days after the hotspot synced to the block chain the rewards,witnesses, beacons, data transfer, overall everything was more than fine, but that was in order to blinde the opponent. Only the first 2 days were profitable, letssaysomething like 0.15 - 0.2 the this big issue with the network and witnesses appeared and since then my hotspot is aorking more than bad in my opinion. Its sending no more than one beacon a day with 2-3 sometimes more hourse gap between activities. The rewards are no more than 0.04 - 0.06 which, in my opinion, is inadmissible. I’ve tried the solution with restarting the console the the hotspot from the ip, but nothing have changed. Most people on Discord are also dissatisfied with the same problem. I can clearly see a sensecap right trough my window in the neigbour building, checking it in Hotspotty says its earning twice as me with less activity gaps.
The question is what should i do in order to achieve the earning from ge first 2 days. Im using the stock antenna, which is thightened to the hotspot, so its not a loosen cable. Will reseting the miner even help? No one of my other miners Rak, and Cotx have done such drastic drop in earning just in the first 2 days. All type of help will be appreciated! Thanks in advance!

AFter the update my heltec V2 went down hard. It’s practically useless, going from 0.3 per day to now 0.05 if I’m lucky.

I really regret this purchase. I have two. But it appears they are the worst on the market.