Vextoff / vexton issue -

Can someone help me out with part of the code ?
When i comment out //Vextoff; it works , but my goal is that aftere measurement vext is turn off.

What i am doing wrong ?

// Turn ext 3.3V
void VextOn()
pinMode(Vext, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(Vext, LOW);

void VextOff()
pinMode(Vext, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(Vext, HIGH);

static void prepareTxFrame( uint8_t port )

int senseDist;

#ifdef USE_VL53L1X
    // Try a couple of readings to clear indeterminate values
    int tryCount = 5;
        senseDist = sensor.readRangeSingleMillimeters();

        #ifdef DEBUG
            Serial.print("got reading ");
    while( (senseDist == 8190) && (tryCount != 0) );

    if (senseDist == 8190) {
        // If we still get an indeterminate reading, return 0
        senseDist = 0;

    if (sensor.timeoutOccurred()) {
        senseDist = 1;

// VextOff(); <-- here with // it ok

if (firstMeasurement)
if (senseDist == 0)
// Set RGB LED to red for the first measurement
pixelss.setPixelColor(0, pixelss.Color(255, 0, 0));
// Set RGB LED to green for the first measurement
pixelss.setPixelColor(0, pixelss.Color(0, 255, 0));
}; // Send the updated pixel colors to the hardware.
    // Turn off the RGB LED
    pixelss.setPixelColor(0, pixelss.Color(0, 0, 0));;

    firstMeasurement = false; // Mark that the first measurement has been done

uint16_t voltage = getBatteryVoltage();

appDataSize = 4;
appData[0] = senseDist >> 8;
appData[1] = senseDist;
appData[2] = voltage >> 8;
appData[3] = voltage;

Hi ,

Think manage to off vext , no power on it now when checking by multimeter .

However i do have still 3,5V on VDD - question , how to disable VDD pin ?