Vext + SPI on Wireless Shell V3

we are working on a board re-design to use the Wireless Shell V3, and we noticed that the
Vext_Ctrl is connected to the hardware SPI_CLK pin.
Since we also use the Vext pin to turn ON/OFF some ICs on the board, it is important to keep it working at the same time we use SPI.

Unfortunately the documentation from the V3 does not contains much information about Vext_Ctrl.

What exactly do this Vext_ctrl pin does? How does it interfers/controls the Vext use? Do I have to re-map the SPI_CLK to another pin, in order to use the Vext and SPI?

Many thanks in advance!,

No one from Heltec can give me some help? Does someone with an evalkit of Wireless Shell V3 can test the SPI re-mapping and give me a feedback? As I researched, SPI pins can be re-mapped on ESP32-S3, but why would Heltec define some pins as SPI pins? Is there anything special on them? Also, why not taking a free pin without any extra assignment for Vext_ctrl instead of using the same pin defined/suggested for SPI CLK?

Looking forward for some help :no_mouth: