Use Amazon IOT for Lorawan?

New developer here. I have a M00 gateway. I guess I need to connect it to a server to get use out of it!

Before I try to set up Chirpstack (or find the missing Heltec server), I noticed that Amazon has a lorawan service. Has anyone used that with a Heltec gateway?


I can tell You right away that it wont work. To work with LoRaWAN for AWS IoT Core you need to have a fully qualified LoRa Gateway with an operating system, because you need the software called Basic Station installed to communicate with AWS. Amazon has a list with devices that supports AWS LoRaWAN. The cheapest option is Dragino indoor gateway when You are located outside US, or Browan Minihub Pro if located in US.

Have a look on the AWS LoRaWAN workshop to see some detailed information.


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if you just need to get started try TTN

Thank you. I did try before getting your response and, yep, no luck.

I had thought TTN also required fully-qualified gateways…