Update Framework with git (Windows 10)


i have some problems to update the Arduino-DevelopmentFramework for CubeCell with git!

The framework 1.2.0 is installed with Arduino-Boardmanager!

The path in the description is not available for me.
4. Open /Documents/Arduino/hardware/CubeCell/ASR650x-Arduino/tools and double-click get.exe

My path is: C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\CubeCell\hardware\CubeCell\1.2.0\cores\asr650x\cores

Wich path should i take for the command: 3. Execute the command under the \Documents\Arduino\hardware\CubeCell path (Must in this path),

After that, there is no file get.exe



please modify this folder ASR650x-Arduino to CubeCell-Arduino.

Because we changed the name of the project folder.

Or you can Download this project again.

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