I’m new with Wifi Lora V3 dev board. I have been playing for some months with ESP32 + RA01 Lora module and I have developed some fancy projects with them. Now I’m shitfting to Wifi Lora V3. I have been able to communicate both systems (good !), but I cannot locate documentation on Wifi Lora V3 (e.g. how to connect with a LiPo battery, examples of solar powering the dev board, how to read voltage level, etc…). I realize that I’m missing the main doc repository but I cannot find it. Could somebody help me on this ? Thanks very much !
Unable to find WiFi Lora V3 documentation
Thanks very much for your reply, Uther. I did arrive to this page when looking for Wifi Lora 32 V3 info, but the information there is quite scarce, almost nothing. There is nothing (for instance) about the GPIOs that are free for usage, nothing about how to set the unit for solar powering, nothing about vext operation, no application notes, nothing about the Lora library to use in Arduino, etc… etc… I am quite disappointed with Heltec. Wifi Lora 32 V3 is quite compact, works (as far as I have seen) quite well, but I have to spend a lot of time looking for info about the unit or realizing how to do things. My learning curve is desperately slow.
Additionally, on the pages where there should be documentation available (e.g. https://docs.heltec.org/en/node/esp32/wifi_lora_32/index.html) there are missing links
@jivaro welcome to the Heltec documentation (under?)world! Here, you are completely on your own and are left to scrape every bit of information together by yourself.
Yeah, sounds a bit harsh… but that’s actually reality
I’ve had most luck by regarding the V3 boards as a simple ESP32-S3 chip, where you very carefully look at the pinmap diagram and schematic to figure out what is actually available and how it is connected.
If you have specific questions, feel free to drop them here as there are a select few that actually do have a clue what is happening and if the question is presented straight forward enough, we are happy to help.
(E.g.: what are the pins to the SX1262; how can I enable the display; given this <…> code, why does LoRaWAN not join the network?)
But really, don’t try looking very hard for anything else than the main .pdf and the schematic, as that’s about all there is in official documentation - additionally there’s the search button on this forum that may yield some information!
Yep, sad but true. As @bns suggests, the best place to go, in general, for processor details is the Espressif documentation:
in particular, the ESP32-S3 datasheet:
Yes, you are right, Espressif has a much better documentation than Heltec, but the problem here is with the particularities of Heltec variants of ESP32, and unfortunately Espressif here has nothing to say… IMHO the attitude of Heltec on this issue is not very smart. Should they support their customers they could sell much more and make more money, that, at the end of the day, is the final (if not sole) purpose of any company.
Thanks for your confirmation that there is very little organized Heltec products documentation available. There are many bits around the net that are very valuable and perhaps it would be worth to open a new thread in order to collect them…