Unable to add CubeCell-Arduino-master.zip into Arduino library


I am trying to add the CubeCell-Arduino-master library into Arduino IDE by the recommended method, via Arduino IDE Boards Manager, https://heltec-automation-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/cubecell/quick_start.html#summary, but some of the example codes are missing using this method, such as the whole LoRa folder of example. I am sure that V.1.4.0 is selected.

So I tried to download the zip file from here, https://github.com/HelTecAutomation/CubeCell-Arduino, and manually include the library under the ribbon “Tool”. However, the error message said there were no (.h) files found in the zip file.

Is there a way that I can include this whole library? Thank you.

These are the examples I see in my IDE.