Touchread value shows higher numbers on V3

I have an issue with touchread that I can’t figure out where is the problem. I’m using Arduino IDE 2.2.1 with the touchread test sample on WiFi Kit 32, WiFi Kit 32(V3) and WiFi LoRa(V3). Kit 32 works fine as expected with values 47-93 untouched, and 15-17 touched, but for Kit 32(V3) & LoRa(V3) the values are 25000-60000 with not too much change when is touched. I don’t think that the device is bad since I tested the rest such as ADC test works fine on all of them, and too much coincidence that kit 32(V3) & LoRa(V3) behave in the same way. Below are sample what I’m getting.

From Kit 32:

From Kit 32(V3) & LoRa(V3):

This is my first time creating a Topic so hope this will work since I don’t have any other clue to help me figure out the issue.

Thanks in advance.