Sync to blockchain

Hi all,
My hotspot doesn’t mine anymore.
I try to restart and the reset, now the orange light blinking.
I think it doesn’t sync to blockchain, what I have to do ?
In the diagnostic I’m back for 5k blocks.
Someone help me ?

The same thing happens to me too.

download the last snapshot from heltec resource and upload it this will reduce the syncing time and fix your issue.
you can find the last snapshot in this link

currently, the last snapshot in the heltec server has 1115954 blocks
the below link is exported from my hotspot - not full synced - but has 1116359 blocks

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I update the like to new snapshot has 1117210 blocks

Hello, my miner is the same, it has 18 hours that I change to synchronizing and it remains like that. FW V1.2.3 and release 2021.11.22.0 GA

hi my hotspot stop working 2 days i try your snap but dont work can you please provide the latest 12… ? to see iif i can sync. thanks

@camolas I saw same problem this weekend, but update from v1.2.8 to v1.2.9 resolved the issue. Same symptom but different problem, maybe.

Can you please tell me how to do I do it ? Just copy and paste ?

Hi how do I upgrade the firmare ?

In my experience, connect the hotspot to the internet and wait a day – it updated. I used an Ethernet connection. I’m told it’s also possible to load a firmware image from another hotspot, but I’ve not done it and so I don’t know the procedure.