Support for older version of WiFi Kit 32 board

I have more than 10 older version of WiFi Kit 32 boards (3-4 years old, not the new V3 version) Most of them are perfectly good. I need to use them for new projects. But the latest Arduino IDE (v2.3.2) support for this older board is very confusing. I installed “Heletc ESP32 Series Dev-boards v3.0.0” board manager and “Heltec ESP32 DEv-boards V2.0.2” library.

From the board menu, there are two ways I can choose the board:
a) “WiFi Kit 32”->“Heltec ESP32 Series Dev-boards”->WiFi Kit 32 or
b) “Heltec WiFi Kit 32” -> “ESP32”->“Heltec WiFi Kit 32”
I am not sure which one is correct to choose.

There is also a problem with either board selection. When I set serial.begin(115200) in the code, after RESET, the serial monitor will display the serial.print() output, but not at 115200 baud. Instead it displays data at 74880. Many old sketches will not compile or work right in the current version of board & library package .

Currently, the only board package available is “Heletc ESP32 Series Dev-boards v3.0.0”. I cannot go back to older packages. In the Arduino IDE support for many other boards, they will make the older version of board and library packages available so that I can go back to the older packages.

Any suggestions?

You could try installing an earlier version of the IDE. I currently have one of my Macs running the Arduino IDE v2.0.2 [because the newer versions are not supported] on a relatively old version of macOS and that allows me to work with versions of the Heltec ESP32 Dev-Boards library from v1.0.2 to v2.0.1 (the host in question is currently configured with v1.1.5). I don’t use the WiFi Kit boards, but I do work with the earlier versions of the WiFi LoRa 32 boards in this environment.

As far as which board definition to use, in the above environment I use the ones without the ‘Heltec’ prefix—in your case that would be “WiFi Kit 32”.