I am using the CubeCell capsule with the debug board and a CCS811B sensor.
I have followed the instructions on this page
# Steps to install Arduino ASR650x support on Windows
### Install the development framework
**Tested with Windows 10 64 bit**
1. Download and install the latest Arduino IDE ```Windows Installer``` from [arduino.cc](https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software);
2. Download and install Git from [git-scm.com](https://git-scm.com/download/win);
3. Execute the command under the **\Documents\Arduino\hardware\CubeCell** path (Must in this path),
start ```Git Bash``` and input `git clone https://github.com/HelTecAutomation/ASR650x-Arduino.git`
4. Open ```/Documents/Arduino/hardware/CubeCell/ASR650x-Arduino/tools``` and double-click ```get.exe```
5. When ```get.exe``` running finished, you will be able to see the following files in the directory;
This file has been truncated. show original
when I compile the code for the CCS811_Get_Baseline it compiles with no error messages, I also uploaded the compiled code to the board and when I open the serial monitor after the board reboots all I can see is.
13:08:37.686 -> M⸮⸮⸮⸮zn!⸮Z⸮3X⸮⸮W⸮⸮⸮d⸮,
13:08:44.869 -> ⸮
ې⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮ ⸮,<⸮
Have I done something wrong or have I missed something out?