Thanks for your effort Quency-D, but I don’t know how to “Git”…
I replaced my cores and libraries folders by those from
This is what i get left with:
In file included from sketch\2021_05_25_RX_test_AB02_Display_04.ino.cpp:1:0:
C:\Users*****\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\CubeCell\hardware\CubeCell\1.2.0\cores\asr650x/Arduino.h:33:19: fatal error: timer.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
Update: I managed to make it compile by:
-copying all files from \hardware\CubeCell\1.2.0\cores\asr650x\lora\system
to \hardware\CubeCell\1.2.0\cores\asr650x\cores
-commenting l.23 of softSerial.cpp to //#if defined(asr650x)
//#elif defined(asr6601)
//#define GET_MCU_TIKER SysTick->VAL
//#define GET_MCU_RELOAD SysTick->LOAD
It does compile to the AB01 now - and actually sends stuff with apparently 57600baud. But i guess there’s still some issues with timing… I’ll probably stick to the files of 1.2.0 (loaded with ArduinoBoardLoader) and 9600baud for now.