[SOLVED]UART channel Serial1.begin(...) on HTCC-AB01

does the CubeCell-Board HTCC-AB01 have a second Serial-port besides TX1/RX1?
If so, which are it’s Pins?
Thanks in advance!

Edit (after some more research):
No second hardwareSerial available on AB01;
softwareSerials maximum baudrate seems to be 9600… :confused:

You can set any value, but 9600 is the most stable.

-> #include “softSerial.h” //(from TX_test.ino)

  • HelTec Automation™ CubeCell software serial example
  • Function summary:
    • date print example via software serial port;
    • baudrate defined in softwareSerial.begin(9600);
  • |-- Supported baudrate
  • |-- 14400 (Not statble)
  • |-- 9600
  • |-- 4800
  • |-- 2400
  • |-- 1200
  • HelTec AutoMation, Chengdu, China.

doesn’t work at 115200 baudrate.

-> #include <SoftwareSerial.h> //using the library from Arduino: https://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/LibraryExamples/SoftwareSerialExample

doesn’t work with 115200 either.

Git above the latest development environment, software serial port support to 57600. And all function formats and hardware serial port also support, such as serial.print serial.println serial.write

Thanks for your effort Quency-D, but I don’t know how to “Git”…
I replaced my cores and libraries folders by those from https://github.com/HelTecAutomation/CubeCell-Arduino/

This is what i get left with:
In file included from sketch\2021_05_25_RX_test_AB02_Display_04.ino.cpp:1:0:

C:\Users*****\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\CubeCell\hardware\CubeCell\1.2.0\cores\asr650x/Arduino.h:33:19: fatal error: timer.h: No such file or directory

compilation terminated.

Update: I managed to make it compile by:
-copying all files from \hardware\CubeCell\1.2.0\cores\asr650x\lora\system
to \hardware\CubeCell\1.2.0\cores\asr650x\cores
-commenting l.23 of softSerial.cpp to //#if defined(asr650x)
//#elif defined(asr6601)
//#define GET_MCU_TIKER SysTick->VAL
//#define GET_MCU_RELOAD SysTick->LOAD

It does compile to the AB01 now - and actually sends stuff with apparently 57600baud. But i guess there’s still some issues with timing… I’ll probably stick to the files of 1.2.0 (loaded with ArduinoBoardLoader) and 9600baud for now.

You can refer to this document:

:smiley: it is actually quite simple:
softSerial.h, l.16 -> void begin(uint32_t Baudrate); //instead of uint16_t
softSerial.cpp, l.29ff. -> void softSerial::begin(uint32_t Baudrate) //instead of uint16_t
case 115200:
timedelay = 6 ;
case 14400:
timedelay = 69 ;

works fine for me (my UART RX is a AB02 that direct prints Serial1reads to the display)

case can be closed;