I prefer PlatformIO over Arduino IDE but I’m unable to get a valid sketch uploaded to any of my CubeCell devices successfully.
I’m testing with the examples from github, they build without errors, upload without errors, but after uploading they will not boot up. I’m only getting the following message over serial:
Copyright @ 2019 Heltec Automation.All rights reserved.
No LED activity, no messages over LoRaWAN.
If I upload the same sketch using Arduino IDE, it works correctly.
This is my platformio.ini file:
platform = asrmicro650x
framework = arduino
board = cubecell_gps
monitor_speed = 115200
board_build.arduino.lorawan.region = EU868
board_build.arduino.lorawan.adr = ON
board_build.arduino.lorawan.debug_level = FREQ_AND_DIO