[Solved] HT-M01S Login problems with given name and pw

Hey, i have plug in the HT-M01S as in the tutorial.
After connecting via Wifi to it the I can join the device by
the Login HT-M01S and heltec.org is not working. The Browser Dev-Tools say net::ERR_ for authentication…

I have repeated all steps for several times… do you have an other idea?

best regards


01:54:01.396 -> Heltec HT-M01S firmware Rev V1.3
01:54:01.442 ->
01:54:01.766 ->
01:54:01.766 -> NET MODE : WIFI
01:54:01.766 -> WiFi SSID :**************
01:54:01.766 -> WiFi PASS : ***************
01:54:01.766 -> SERVER ADDR : 1700
01:54:01.766 -> PORT UP :
01:54:01.766 -> PORT DOWN :
01:54:01.766 -> INTERVALS :
01:54:01.766 -> REGION : EU868
01:54:01.766 -> LOGIN PASS :
01:54:01.766 -> TIME ZONE : UTC+1
01:54:02.841 ->
01:54:02.841 ->
01:54:02.841 -> Connecting to TP_Link_2G

the firmware flash V1.3 is not working…

$ esptool.exe --chip esp32 --port COM7 --baud 921600 write_flash -z 0x670000 M01S_SPIFSS.bin
$ esptool.exe --chip esp32 --port COM7 --baud 921600 --before default_reset --after hard_reset write_flash -z --flash_mode dio --flash_freq 80m --flash_size detect 0xe000 boot_app0.bin 0x1000 bootloader_qio_80m.bin 0x10000 M01S_V1_3.bin 0x8000 M01S.partitions.bin

I see that in the printed message, you have changed the login password. You need to enter the printed login password to log in correctly.

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Ah, ok I havent changed it. But "01:54:01.766 -> LOGIN PASS : "
is empty, which means that the login is HT-M01S and pw is empty?
I will try this and writing then. Thank you

Hi, Quency-D. I metioned your tip for me and it was working.
After this the device fall in a reboot error. I guess that the issue was in the update process by uploading the firmware V1.3 file. This was not running by using the script ( where I have added the right port )M01S_V1_3.bat.

Do you know where the difference between the version 1.1 and 1.3 is?
In general I can imagine that it is important to install the newest firmware, or not?

But back to your help. After installing v1.1 everything was fine. Thanks a lot