[Solved] CubeCell + Seeed Indoor LoRaWAN Gateway

Did anybody have success using HTCC-AB01 board with The Things Indoor LoRaWAN WiFi Gateway based on SX1308 – US915?

The point-to-point examples such as pingpong work on HTCC-AB01 without problems so I know the radios are good. The Gateway is connected to TTN and app/devices are configured there with IDs correctly copied in the code, but nodes don’t join and there is no data coming to TTN.


I tried different regions on the chance I got wrong gateway, I tried with ABP, without ADR - with the same result (log below). I added timestamps to the debug output to make sure the delays are working per region settings.

Copyright @2019-2020 Heltec Automation.All rights reserved.

AT Rev 1.3


+DevEui=70696*****(For OTAA Mode)
+AppEui=70B3D******(For OTAA Mode)
+AppKey=DD70EC*****(For OTAA Mode)
+NwkSKey=25DF6B*****(For ABP Mode)
+AppSKey=9C2314******(For ABP Mode)
+DevAddr=2601****(For ABP Mode)

LoRaWAN US915 Class A start!

joining...288: TX on freq 903700000 Hz at DR 3 power 20 dBm
370: Event: Tx Done
5297: RX on freq 927500000 Hz at DR 13
5411: Event : Rx Timeout
6298: RX on freq 923300000 Hz at DR 8
6433: Event : Rx Timeout
6435: TX on freq 902300000 Hz at DR 0 power 20 dBm
7748: Event: Tx Done
12316: RX on freq 923300000 Hz at DR 10
12778: Event : Rx Timeout
13317: RX on freq 923300000 Hz at DR 8
13810: Event : Rx Timeout
13812: TX on freq 903500000 Hz at DR 3 power 20 dBm
14402: Event: Tx Done
19336: RX on freq 926900000 Hz at DR 13
19442: Event : Rx Timeout
20336: RX on freq 923300000 Hz at DR 8
20465: Event : Rx Timeout
20467: TX on freq 903300000 Hz at DR 0 power 20 dBm

Any suggestions are welcome.


/*LoraWan channelsmask, default channels 0-7*/ 
uint16_t userChannelsMask[6]={ 0x00FF,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000 };


/*LoraWan channelsmask, default channels 0-7*/ 
uint16_t userChannelsMask[6]={ 0xFF00,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000 };

solved the problem for me

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