Hello People, I need some help and ideas here.
I am testing the AB02S second I2C bus (I2C1). I am using the Examples/Basics/I2C/i2c_scan file. It is woring ok (for newbies, to use the second I2C bus, wire1 must be used instead of wire in the file body).
I tested a sensor SHT30A, it has pull up 2.2 Kohm resistors incorporated. It worked just fine, it always recognized the sensor (https://www.adafruit.com/product/4099).
I included in the bus a MAX10102 (with no resistors) and worked just fine…
Then I tested a sensor ADXL345 alone (it has 4.7Kohm pull up resistors), it was identified some times and other times it was not. I removed the resistors on this one and add it to the bus with the others 2 and worked just fine… So maybe there could be some issued with the resistors…
Then I tested a MLX90614 and it was never recognized with or without the resistences (the sensor works just fine in an Arduino and in another ESP32 board).
The MLX90614 comes in a board LW-691, I removed the pull up to add it to the bus, it is not communicating… Alone in the bus with its 4.7 pull up, do not communciates neighet. I used 1K resistors and nothing…
The sensor is good, and it communciates with the Arduino One… What could be the problem? I am using the same buss speed in the arduino and in the AB02S
Thank you all!