Secure LoRaWAN with ATECC608A

One of the things that I miss the most on CubeCell is a proper secure element for full authentication and secure storage.

TTN has published here the loramac example which is using ATECC608A over I2C.
note: this device is already supported in the loramac “develop” branch.

is there any plan to update the current stack with the addition of SE support?

Thank you for your idea, we will look into that.

thanks a lot for your feedback.

please post on this thread if there is any update and I’ll do a test.

beside the TTN code which is using ATECC608A-TNGLoRaWAN version (with certificates already stored into it) I think people will be interested in getting also the “normal” ATECC608A version supported so they can store their own keys and certificates even is they are NOT attached to The Things Network.

and of course having a secure element supported natively on CubeCell will fill the gap to real_life products.