Rx Timeout @ US915 (902-928)

Sorry for the late reply, just back from a long business trip. Do you have any information about the antenna?

Regarding the antenna, can you try the following?

  1. Choose an intermediate distance, don’t use the furthest distance;
  2. Test the RSSI value serial times;
  3. Separately replace the antenna of your gateway and node and write down the RSSI value!

This is in order to verify if the antenna makes witch side better.

Can you please try with a Capsule Sensor fix it’s antenna like this? And have a look if that makes the signal better?

Friend I am not use capsule anymore. We work outdoor only and I prefer the AB01.
All report I make last time was made with AB01 not capsule.

As i tell in my report I make test with different antennas. Please read my last report carefully and you will find the information.


Do you have some more information about the antenna you had tested? We can try that at our side.

You mind the base station antenna or node antenna?