Hi all,
I want to clarify my request: I’m NOT talking about local macro in the user code, of course I do that too.
my request is about the “official” Heltec libraries, for example the LoraWAN library, which in theory we are not supposed to manually fix all the time (aren’t we?)
looking to the overall repo I see a ton of “printf” or “Serial.print” calls that are “hardcoded” and this makes the code larger (print calls are heavy) and dirty (because we have commands over serial all the time).
if we had only one set of “official” macro, call it HLTC_PRINTF, HLTC_PRINT, HLTC_DBG_PRINT(level, message) used overall the repo it will make the final build smaller in code size and we don;t need to change every library every time we do a “git pull”.
In a “production build” you do not want to have any print at all on your console.
sure we can comment out “Serial.begin()” and you won’t see any log in console, but the code is still “large” in footprint because the calls to Serial.println() are still compiled-in (every library pulled under CubeCell package) and I would like to avoid this (at least from official libraries released by Heltec)
anyhow … it is just a request … I have my own patch to change these call in the library I use.
thanks a lot for your help