Two recent LoRaWan changes appear to be incompatible with RegionUS915 LoRaWan requirements. Unless the developer changes these within the runtime, applications using these versions within RegionUS915 will not work.
- The first:
Change to the default Data Rate within the Lora library
Commit Note:
set default dr to dr5, set default min sf to sf11
Commit: af14d8b5d9da545ccb1cb1ef95dd9a5024ba0064
Date: May 7
File: libraries/LoRa/src/LoRaWan_APP.cpp
RegionUS915 concern:
DR_5 is not valid for US915
There is a LoRa document that says DR_5 is either “Reserved For Future” use or “Not Defined”.
Is there an override or work around other than changing the #define within the runtime? file LoRaWan_APP.cpp?
- The second:
Change to RegionUS915 radio preamble
Commit Note:
modified default min Tx Dr. modified tx preamble length
Commit: f314b1ceb9771e660758e67a518026c09b9e8f94
Date: Jul 9
File: cores/asr650x/loramac/mac/region/RegionUS915.c
Change: preamble length changed from 8 to 14
From: Radio.SetTxConfig( MODEM_LORA, phyTxPower, 0, bandwidth, phyDr, 1, 8, false, true, 0, 0, false, 3e3 );
To: Radio.SetTxConfig( MODEM_LORA, phyTxPower, 0, bandwidth, phyDr, 1, 14, false, true, 0, 0, false, 3e3 );
RegionUS915 concern:
The same LoRaWan document seems to say preamble length should be 8, where does the change to 14 come from?
There does not appear to be any override/work around other than changing the runtime. What is the resolution to this?