Random and randomseed not compatiable with cubecell?

When I call randomSeed(analogRead(0)) I the following error about it not being declared but yet I can call it on the wireless stick.

Error below:
In function ‘void setup()’:
LoRaSender-cubecell:71:30: error: ‘randomSeed’ was not declared in this scope
exit status 1
‘randomSeed’ was not declared in this scope


we have updated the code. please git pull.

Great to hear but I am using the library manger in Arduino IDE on version 1.1.0 so will you be publishing a new version 1.1.1(?) soon? So the fixes goes into the normal IDE update or do I need to manually copy the files in the commit as I’m not using git instead using the official documents to add the repo to the board manager like in the documentation?



There will be a certain delay in the update of the library management version.
you can add these two Function declaration in Arduino.h:

Perfect, it complies now, hopefully a new version will be pushed out soon as I see other commits to fix little bugs here and there. For any one else reading this the file you need update is located on you computer at the path below.

C:\Users<your username>\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\CubeCell\hardware\CubeCell\1.1.0\cores\asr650x